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Home > She works (Career Women)​Expat Women: Tips for Taking up a New Job in Homeland

Expat Women: Tips for Taking up a New Job in Homeland

Are you looking forward to establish your career in home country but feel skeptical do anything about it?

Here are some tips that might help you build successful career back home.

If you already have found your niche place, there is no stopping thereafter. Let’s first tell you that you are absolutely going to be an asset to your organization as you bring your skills and experience in cross-cultural business practices, learning and the practicalities of hands-on business operations.  You just need to master the simple strategies to not to allow ‘reverse culture shock’ affect you and make the most of your job. Here is how to do it: 

1)      Overcome your apprehensions                                                                     

Initially, you may have the feeling of anxiousness regarding your dressing style, your speech, manners and etiquettes or of not fitting-in well. It may take longer than you think you would need to assimilate. However the best part is that you will start gelling into the environment, once you start seeing yourself a part of it. You will eventually find friends in the office and become a part of the office’s social network.

2)      Get to know your employer and workers

You must have done your homework well during the interview process. Since you’re coming from a different country, what is more necessary for you is to know the work culture of the company which varies location wise.  Respect the rules and regulations of your new office. It can save you from lot of trouble.

3)      Be a self starter    

One of the best ways to fight ‘reverse culture shock’ is to make friends. Take initiatives to know your co-workers. Accompany them to lunch; see how they fit into your daily activities and the office culture as a whole. As a new bee, it is easier to find one person you feel comfortable with. Then, slowly get along with all. Make the most of formal or informal after-hours activities, such as sports leagues or happy hours, if there are any.  At the same time, it is advisable to hang back a bit and know your surroundings well before you make new friendships.


4)      Do your job, and do it well.

You may have ‘fun at work’ culture in your host country whereas things can be entirely different back home.  So, spend more of your office time in contributing to organization’s welfare. Keep your personal business on office time to a minimal. 

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