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Home > Resume & Cover LettersHow to Write Graphic Design Resume : Format & Samples

How to Write Graphic Design Resume : Format & Samples

Several big and small companies demand graphic designers to present their ideas and products with growing digitalization creatively. Graphic designers play a significant role in making the marketing strategies of a company successful.

It is through their creative designs that they attract customers to the products. Be it logo designs, cover designs, visual representation of an idea, product packaging, etc., graphic designers are the ones who do the work. As a result, the career scope of graphic designing has increased significantly. It has become one of the most sought-after creative jobs with good pay in no time.

As the number of graphic designers in the market rises gradually, the need for making the best graphic designer resume also increases. Any graphic designer – professional or new – will face huge competition to land a good job.

Companies search for the best of the best as graphic designers are the ones who virtually present the company on the screen to the world. Therefore, before applying for a job, any graphic designer must ensure that their resume is up to the mark.

Let us look at some ideal graphic designer resume examples and discuss tips on building the perfect resume to land anyone the dream job they want.

What should a graphic designer include in their resume?

A graphic designer’s purpose is to present the ideas of the company or institution for which they are working or will work, most subtly and creatively.

Their work should be able to reflect the entire crux of the concept in a way that every layperson, with just one look, should be able to get a fair idea.

Therefore, the resume of a graphic designer should be an honest reflection of their purpose on paper. The presentation, the tone, and information included should resonate with the applicant.

Graphic designing being a creative field doesn’t mean that a graphic designer resume should be creative, crafty, or elaborate.

Instead, a graphic designer’s resume should be built following all the guidelines of any other resume. Therefore, the following things should be included in a graphic designer resume:

  • Contact information: It is a crucial section of any resume and must include the mobile number, email ID, brief address, and any other way the applicant can be contacted. The information entered should be double-checked before sending because the applicant must remember if they are selected, the employer will use the information provided in the CV to revert and call for an interview.
  • Career objective: A short career objective is a must-have of every CV. It mentions a combination of a few things about the applicant’s career. These include career goals, expectations from the job, achievements in the past, and how they can be an asset to the employer. The career objective should be well-written because it summarizes why the employer must hire the applicant.
  • Educational qualifications: Though graphic designing doesn’t demand a vast degree, an essential educational qualification is expected and appreciated. Any major or minor graphic designing course that the applicant must have done should be mentioned. It can help the employer understand the level of knowledge they can expect from the applicant.
  • Skills: Supporting the educational qualifications should be the relevant skills of the applicant. It should be remembered; graphic designing is more about the talent of the applicant and less about any educational degree. Therefore, all the applicant’s relevant skills in graphic designing should be mentioned to help the employer understand the extent of the applicant’s knowledge in the field.
  • Soft skills: It is equally important to include a section on soft skills as it is essential to have hard skills. While hard skills will reflect the job-related abilities of the applicant, soft skills will reflect what kind of behavior can be expected from them in the workspace, their behavior with their colleagues, superiors, etc. An ideal candidate is accomplished in both skills because a combination ensures a healthy and prosperous work environment.
  • Work experience: Having any work experience is always a boost to the resume. They can be in the form of internships, freelancing, full-time jobs, etc. The applicant must mention all the work experience they have, describing their job roles in brief. It will help the employer have an idea about the expertise level of the applicant and if they are the right fit for the post.
  • Achievements: If the applicant had achieved anything related to graphic designing, any competition, award, etc., should be mentioned in the CV. It will act as a booster and slightly increase the chances for the applicant to be hired.

Basic Graphic Design Resume Example:

Below is an example of a basic graphic designer resume that anyone can follow or reference for building their resume. The reasons why this is one of the ideal resume examples is that:

  • It contains all the necessary information about the applicant – Contact, the career objective of the applicant, educational qualifications, skills, work experience.
  • The language is crisp and concise.
  • The structure of the resume is such that it makes it easier for the employer to read and spot the specific information they may be searching for.
  • It is neither too dull nor too vibrant.
  • The resume only bears information relevant to the job.
  • It is short yet detailed enough for the employer to have a fair idea about the applicant.
  • It is designed following the reverse-chronological method, considered one of the best methods for building resumes. It is simply because it immediately helps the employer know about the applicant’s recent work position, saving their time.
  • The applicant subtly mentions their achievements without being boastful about them.
Graphic Design Resume format


Professional Graphic Designer Resume

A professional graphic designer means someone with extensive knowledge in the field. Their knowledge is reflected in their work experience and range of relevant skills.

A professional graphic designer resume is usually required for applying for senior posts, and a lot is expected from a professional graphic designer resume. Let us look at an example to understand better how should a professional graphic designer resume look like:

Professional Graphic Designer Resume sample

What makes this an Ideal Professional Graphic Designer Resume?

  • The resume is well-structured and organized.
  • Each set of information is given a specific portion.
  • The resume displays all the relevant skills of the applicant.
  • The resume displays that the applicant has been continuously working and gaining experience in the field.
  • The applicant briefly mentions their job roles and accomplishments in their past jobs.
  • The applicant subtly mentions the profit earned by the company or organization for which they worked due to their efforts. It proves that the applicant will prove to be an asset if hired.
  • The success records also indicate that they are good at what they do.
  • The job roles detailed by the applicant show their career growth.
  • The job roles mentioned also show the type of work the applicant had done – designing animated GIFs, chronicles, company letterheads, business cards, leading designing campaigns, etc.
  • Other than all this, the language used is crisp, the resume is short, the tone is subtle, and the resume’s look is creative with a sense of professionalism.

An example of a creative graphic designer resume

A creative graphic designer is responsible for visually representing, using aesthetic creativity and technology, the organization’s ideas for which they work. For example, creative graphic designers are behind the company logos, magazine covers, PowerPoint designs, video designs, etc.

In addition, creative graphic designers are the ones who are responsible for communicating the company’s intentions to the customers using their creativity.

Therefore, graphic designers are in demand everywhere, and hence, it is essential to discuss what makes an ideal creative graphic designer resume.

  • A creative graphic designer resume must include all the necessary qualities of the applicant required for being a graphic designer.
  • The resume must showcase the skills required, such as knowing photoshop, illustration, typography, video editing, etc.
  • The resume must reflect the knowledge of the applicant of various designing tools.
  • The resume must talk about the educational qualification of the applicant, which must necessarily show the source of knowledge of the applicant.
  • The resume must reflect the range of expertise or work the applicant can do related to graphic designing.
  • If possible, the resume must include some examples of the applicant’s work to help the employer understand better. It will also help in propagating the CV.
  • The resume must show the enthusiasm of the applicant towards graphic designing.

Other than these facts, the CV of a creative graphic designer:

  • Must include all the necessary components of a CV.
  • Must be well-organized.
  • Must be proofread, and the tonality should be given special attention.

Let us look at an example of a creative graphic designer resume to understand all these points better:

Graphic Designer Resume Sample


Design Tips for Graphic Designer Resume

As discussed above, it is very significant that a graphic designer’s resume truly reflects the purpose. For doing that, the aesthetic sense of the CV holds equal importance as the content.

We discussed the essential things that should be included in a resume, but what should be the presentation style that would catch the employer’s eye? Most often, people carry the misconception that the resume of a creative artist should reflect their creativity and artistry.

It’s time to avoid such myths. A creative artist’s resume should be equally professional as any other resume.

Therefore, when graphic designers build their resumes, they must keep in mind that even though their job role demands creativity, employers would still hire people who can offer professionalism and creativity.

What will make the employer know if the applicant has both qualities in a balanced form? The resume of the applicant! Hence, the design of the CV holds equal importance as the content inside the CV.

Let us have a look at some of the design tips for a graphic designer resume that should be followed to land the dream job or interview:

Structure of the Resume:

Several structural formats of resumes suit various applicants for various reasons. Some of these formats are:

  • The reverse-chronological format: It is suitable for people with continuous work experience as the highlight of this format is the applicant’s knowledge. Other information, such as skills or education, takes a back seat, and experience is prominent. For people with vast expertise relevant to the job role for which the applicant is applying, this is the most suitable format as it allows them to showcase their work. If the employer is keen on hiring someone with extensive experience in the field, this format will catch their attention.
  • The functional format: This format is in contrast to the reverse-chronological structure. It is because this format gives preference to skills over experience. It means if an applicant has less or erratic work experience but has relevant skills and education related to the field, this format would suit them the best. The functional structure gives the opportunity of showcasing abilities, achievements, etc. This format can be used by people transitioning from one field to another, freshers, etc.
  • The combination format: As its name suggests, it combines the reverse-chronological and the functional structure. It gives equal weightage to the work experience and skills, and achievements of the applicant. This format is suited for highly experienced professionals who have gained several skills and acquired extensive experience. Applicants should use this format if they are applying for higher posts in any company or organization.

Therefore, it becomes evident that the choice of the structure is highly significant as it will reflect the applicant’s knowledge related to the field. Thus, the applicant must analyze the extent of their experience and skills and then choose the most suitable format for their CV.

  • The presentation of the content: After the suitable structure is decided, the next step for the graphic designer would be to spread out the content. It should be appropriately segregated according to the format chosen. The font style and size should be given attention. A readable font size, neither too big nor too small, should be used. While determining the font style, it should be remembered again that because the CV is for a creative post, it doesn’t mean the font style has to be creative. The font styles used for business purposes should be used to keep the content easily readable.
  • The layout of the content: Adequate white space should be left between different sections of the CV. Line spaces should be given special attention too. It is true that concise resumes, if possible one page, are preferred, but in an attempt of limiting the CV to a single page, it shouldn’t become hotch-potch. If the necessary content cannot fit on one page, it is always wise to divide it between pages. It will uphold readability and give a pleasing look to the employer who goes through the CV. Therefore, appropriate space should be left between lines and sections.
  • The color combination used in the CV: Several resume templates come with various color combinations that can break the mundane white of the CV. If used wisely, it works well as it gives an aesthetic sense to the CV. However, if too vibrant colors are used or unpleasant combinations are used, it can spoil the entire mood of the resume. Therefore, it is vital that while choosing the colors, subtlety must be remembered. Colors in CVs should only be used for eliminating the dull white look and not for decorative purposes. Professionalism should be kept in mind, and colors should be chosen accordingly.
  • Font color: After discussing colors in the CV, the following essential thing to mention is the font color. It is common sense that if dark font color is used on a dark background color, it will reduce the readability of the content. Similarly, light font color on a light background color will cause the same effect. Therefore, font color should be customized depending on the background scape chosen for the CV. But, again, readability should be given preference over aesthetic sense in this case. Because obviously, the applicant will get the job depending upon the information provided in the CV and not the colors in the same.
  • Divisions on the page: While spreading out the content, it is advised to divide the page and dedicate sections to different portions of the content. Name, contact information can be on one side, while skills and achievements can be in one area. The primary section of the CV can be dedicated to the information intended to be the prominent highlight of the resume. Dividing the content into various sections helps the CV look more organized. It also makes it easier for the employer to spot the required information quickly.

Other Things to be Kept in Mind

When the content and the design layout is decided for the graphic designer resume, the next thing to be taken care of are:

  • The language used: The language used to put forward the content should be carefully constructed. In addition, it should be repeatedly proofread to eliminate any grammatical or other language errors. Short-forms, SMS language, etc., should be strictly avoided. Last but not least, articulation of thoughts should be given importance, but the applicant mustn’t get blown away by emotions and get too creative with the language. Yet, the language shouldn’t be too dull. It is crucial to hold the attention of the employer. Therefore, the language should reflect the balance between the professionalism and creativity of the applicant.
  • The tonality of the words: Any professional will want to mention their achievements and vast work experience to catch the employer’s attention. And why not? They give a boost to the resume and increase the chances of getting hired. However, it can also backfire if the applicant sounds too boastful or proud of their accomplishments. Therefore, maintaining subtlety in the tone is highly vital. Hence, while mentioning work experience, job roles, achievements, special attention should be paid to the tone. The applicant shouldn’t sound proud but humble. The employer shouldn’t get the impression that the applicant feels they are too accomplished, so they must be selected. It might make the employer think that the applicant won’t be willing to learn something new. The tone used by the applicant should reflect their humbleness, willingness to learn and experiment, hopefulness with the job, etc.
  • Focusing on certain words: Every employer looks for certain qualities in the people they hire. Mention of these qualities in the resume can work magically and may land the applicant with the job. So what are these qualities or words? Hard-working, time management, ability to work under pressure, team-player, perseverance, etc. These are some of the common attributes every employer desires in their employees. Therefore, if these words are used while writing the career objective or in the cover letter, it will catch the employer’s eye.
  • Giving proof of work: Being a graphic designer, if the applicant has done any job that can be included as proof in the graphic designer resume, in the form of links or photographs, they should be provided to the employer. In this way, the employer will read about the skills or experience and practically see the type of work they can expect from the applicant. In addition, it will work as an excellent boost for the CV, as it will give another reason to the employer to give the applicant the call for an interview.

Common Mistakes to be Avoided while Building a Graphic Designer Resume

Following are some of the common mistakes that people make while building their graphic designer resume which should be avoided:

  • Not proofreading the content for spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Not tailoring the CV according to the specific job role.
  • Unintentionally getting boastful about the achievements.
  • Lying in the CV about specific things like skills, achievements, etc., hoping to get selected.
  • Unknowingly putting wrong contact information.
  • Mentioning things in the CV that are not directly related to graphic designing or the job role.
  • Not giving importance to including soft skills in the CV.
  • Believing myths such as creative job posts would require creative CVs.
  • Failing to strike a balance between creativity and professionalism.

Graphic Designer Resume Examples:

The following CV example explains the wise use of colors, font style, font color, and font size. In addition, it also illustrates the points of designing a CV, its layout, division of page, segregation of content, etc.

Graphic Designer Resume Template


We can see, the applicant had used the subtle colors of blue, black, and white. In addition, the font has been adjusted according to the background color to prioritize readability. Overall, the CV looks great aesthetically as it is well-organized, content is spaced out, sections are divided to help the employer easily find the necessary information. Therefore, it is a CV that will catch the employer’s attention, and it can be used for building up a resume with the required changes.

When talking about resume examples, it is mandatory to speak about juniors or freshers in the field. With the growing popularity of graphic designing, several youngsters are getting inspired to step into the designing field. So after completing their education, gathering some little work experience, they are all set to try their hand at the real market. Naturally, the first thing that would strike their mind is building the perfect resume. But what should a fresher graphic designer resume look like? Here is an example:

Graphic Designer Resume Sample for 2024

The above resume is of a fresher applicant who has just completed their education in the related stream of graphic designing. It is an ideal junior graphic designer resume example because it is made following all the necessary guidelines of a resume.

  • It contains all the necessary components of a CV.
  • It is organized and structured.
  • It is devoid of too much creativity.
  • It mentions the internships of the applicant along with the job roles they served and accomplished.
  • It lists the required skills expected in a graphic designer.
  • It mentions the applicant working under a senior graphic designer, which ensures that they have had expert guidance.
  • The CV reflects that they had gained practical experience during the applicant’s education, which indicates the applicant’s enthusiasm and dedication towards graphic designing.
  • The highlight of the CV that makes it impressive? The mention of the portfolio link and designing of the personal logo. This point will move the employer to make the call for the much-awaited interview for the applicant.


To sum it all, every graphic designer resume, whether a professional or a fresher, requires the focused efforts of the applicant to make it impressive. Every major and minor detail of a CV should be customized according to the demands of the job role.

Apart from that, deciding on the information to be included is not all. It has to be strategically included to convince the employer that the applicant can fit the post. 

Building the perfect resume is nothing short of an art. And mastering this art is crucial as CVs are the key to the dream jobs or companies.

Hence, any graphic designer applying for a job must keep all the above points in mind while building their resumes.

More Resource :

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