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Here’s why you’re a failure in your job search

job search tips

Finding a new job is not easy. There’s the process of making your resume flawless, creating online accounts for job searches, and then waiting anxiously to hear back from employers.

Despite all the advice that has been given to you by experience people, have you ever wondered why your job hunt is slower than you wish? Chances are you’re doing a few seemingly insignificant things wrong in the process – and you don’t even know it.

Things that have worked in the past don’t always work now. Have a read and see if you’re guilty of doing any of the following outdated job hunting techniques.

Showing up randomly to look for a job
Back in the ‘old days’ it might have worked to go door-to-door to offices and business you wanted to work for asking, “Are you hiring?” These days, you’re likely to get a blank look and a request to apply for a job through an online portal or by emailing HR. It is highly unlikely you’ll be swept off to a room to meet a hiring manager and interviewed. Don’t waste your time with this outdated job search technique – take your search online!

Listing absolutely everything you’ve ever done on your resume
Your CV is a place to highlight relevant professional information, and a handful of other tidbits that an employer might find interesting about you. They don’t care that you won an achievement in the 5th Grade, and they don’t care that you are a skilled gardener (unless, of course, you are applying for a job relating to gardening!). Cut out anything you weren’t directly involved in for a significant amount of time, and only keep in relevant jobs where you held as senior a position as possible. Cull anything else!

Employers don’t have time to read through five pages of a resume, so help make their job easier by directing them right to the most relevant information straight away.

Don’t get too experimental with CV design and cover letters
This is a case where simple always wins. Good design is different to ‘unique’ design – and unique won’t always stand out for the right reasons. Keep your resume in a simple format, with an easy-to-read font, and ensure your cover letter follows a simple structure that is professional. Of course get creative – especially when the job you’re applying for calls for it – but when in doubt, keep it simple.

Need more help with your resume? Use our Right Resume service to grab the attention of your next employer!


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