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Home > Career ManagementHow to quit without upsetting your current employer

How to quit without upsetting your current employer

resignation tips
So you are all set to send out your resignation letter today.

Monster has four key advices for you to make a graceful exit without upsetting anyone at your current organization:

1. Be candid and don’t make lame excuses

Your resignation letter must justify your reasons to resign. Many people tend to cook up stories which neither work nor are advisable. Whether you’re quitting for a healthier work culture, better pay package or to get rid of a crazy boss, be honest while drafting your resignation. Your boss is sharp enough to smell the fish. You may create hurdles for yourself by lying. So, don’t even try it!

2. Serve a proper notice period

Always serve a proper notice period as stated in your ‘contract of employment’ or in the Company’s handbook. Where there is no notice period required, offer yourself as an available resource for at least 2 weeks to help your replacement learn the work. However if your profile includes managing the company’s sensitive data, your employer may ask you to leave the very day you resign. Don’t consider it rude but a necessary step on the company’s part to avoid security breaches.

Most people in fervor to join a new work place try to skip the notice period, thereby calling troubles for themselves. Never shirk the fact that your next company will definitely conduct a background check on you. So, spoiling relations with your current employer on an account of working for a few extra days is not recommended at all!

3. Treat Your Human Resource (HR) Executive as Your Friend

You may have several queries related to outstanding payments, commissions, full and final settlement etc. Don’t expect immediate answers from HRs.  The HR department is one of the busiest verticals as they are required to make the most out of limited resources and that too on time.

4. Leave on a happy note!

Take time to bid goodbye to all your colleagues in the company. Shake hands, smile, and thank you all especially your seniors. Praise them for all the support they have extended to you during your tenure. Ask them to stay in touch as they may turn out to be helpful resources for your personal as well as professional growth in future. Remember, the bottom line of quitting well is graciousness.

Now exit with your friends and colleagues by your side as you enter into a new world of opportunities.

For more tips on how to better manage your career, click here

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