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The Services required are set out as follows:
1. Detention Sessions (DS) Co-ordinator- Assist HOD & SH Student
Management to
(a) Supervise DS Monday to Friday, after school till 4.30pm
(b) Implement, monitor and supervise DS and maintain consistency
in process and following up procedures
(c) Follow-up with defaulters
(d) Upkeep, maintain and compile detention records and data
(e) Revert to Form Teachers (FTs) on detention attendance
(f) Maintain DS as an effective deterrent mesasure for truancy and
late coming
2. Maintain smooth operations of the Student Management (SM) Centre
(a) Maintain and upkeep the operations and data records at Student
Management Centre (include loan and issue of items, lost and
found, early leave from school premises, attend to unwell
students, update late-coming and attendance records into school
data management system, etc.)
(b) Attend to students drop in at Student Management Centre during
and after school hours and liaise to update teachers/ Year Heads
(YH) / Heads of Department (HOD) / School Leaders (SL) when
3. Case Management and follow-up
(a) Collaborate with Student Management Team to monitor the
development of students sent for disciplinary measures.
(b) Refer and update HOD/ YH/ SL on potential issues related to pupils
and school discipline, based on information & personal
(c) Conduct follow-up actions with students offenders after
investigations conclude such as monitoring and supervising the
completion of assignments, on in-house suspension, afterschool
detention, etc.
(d) Daily sign-in/out for students on movement monitoring
(e) Assist HOD and YH to follow up on frequent absentees,
(f) Accompany officers on house calls and home visits.
(g) Assist HOD/SM to liaise with Police/ relevant authorities to verify
students involvement, and case follow-ups, where needed.
4. Maintain school tone
(a) Work together with other School Management team members and
Operations Managers (OM) in ensuring school security and
maintaining overall school tone.
(b) Conduct regular monitoring and foot patrolling within and outside
(c) Active monitoring of non-structured school hours where student
masses gather such as recess and after school to prevent
disruptive behaviours.
(d) Check on external visitors and liaise with other school officers to
attend to visitors needs.
5. Other duties
(a) Collaborate with relevant HOD/Key Personnel in-charge of School
and National examinations, to provide support during the
examination period, by:-
a. patrolling to ensure conducive environment and school tone
b. perform escort duties
c. managing students at waiting area during oral examination
(b) Assist the Physical Education Department during sport / game
activities and events in/ outside school.
(c) Assist in monitoring After School Engagement programmes for at
risk pupils (under the GEAR UP Programme).
(d) Assist in monitoring students identified for Extended School Term
Self-study programme during term breaks
(e) SM Data and Records Management during Term Break, Exam
. Upkeep and compile records of routine/daily non-compliances,
petty offences, such as attire and grooming, late-coming,
misuse of handphones.
. Filing of SM records for pupil profiling.
. Maintain and upkeep of latecomer data using school data
management system, as specified by HOD/SM.
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Date Posted: 28/11/2024
Job ID: 101744001